Bio Revolution of


M.D. & Ph.D. 이 희 영

주요 생산품

Storage Box P (Celltibator GTX), Fatdori, TP-101 (FPU), Misko, Misju, Stem-X, 등


의료기기, 줄기세포, ECM, DDS,필러,보톡스 등
Key Facilities

주요 설비

자회사 : Ideaclone
연구 시설(695㎡) & 설비 (661㎡)
Experimental space
Cell culture room
세포 배양 시설
Container production
Container production

Company History

R&D, source patents, production infrastructure, stable growth through superior customer networks

12. 사우디・한국 산업단지 (SIIVC) 기업 선정


01. 원격자동배양기 개발 시작


03. 제2 GMP 공장 준공


10. 일본 후생성 인증 CPC 인가


06. 서울시전략산업 제4세대 줄기세포 지방줄기세포 추출 배양 시스템 관련특허 10여개 국내외출원


11. 시설 확충


M.D & Ph.D, Lee, Hee Young
M.D & Ph.D. 이 희 영

대한민국 과학상 표창장


보건산업기술대전 우수상 수상


보건산업기술대전 우수상 수상


보건 및 기술 공로 증서


산업통상자원부장관 표창장

지방줄기세포 배양 및 세포 치료 기술 관련 특허 취득, 수출 공로 인정

CEO 주요성과

주요성과 및 활동

줄기세포 직접투여 수백회로 선천적 심장병 치료

지방 분쇄 치료 기법 세계 최초로 개발

리프팅실을 이용한 비절개 성형기법 최초로 개발

줄기세포 자동 분리기 세계 최초로 개발

세계최초 고순도 필러 개발

ECM 분리 방법관련 세계 최초 개발 특허 등록

300여개의 국내외 특허 보유


한국줄기세포치료학회(KAST) / 이사장

영남대학교 화학공학부 겸임교수 (2017~2019)

바로일성형외과 원장

Medikan Technology Holdings Status

2000년부터 다양한 제품 출시, 경험, 연구를 바탕으로 한 기술 집약적 기관입니다.
Stem Cell Culture Kit
Stem Cell Culture Kit

Stem Cell Cultivation Treatment Kit
(2.5 million KRW expected / 6 months used)

1 Incubation kit per person
(a goal of 200,000 KRW per month)

Establishment of a low-cost entrusted culture hub


Use of one’s fat and waste fat

Development of medical materials
(collagen, elastin, etc.)

Explosive growth of local tissue processing business / ECM filler market

Cell storage – rapid response to infectious diseases, such as corona 19, etc.

Regressive Arthritis Treatment
Regressive Arthritis Treatment

stem cell therapy by extracting fat

Registration of new technology in progress

Treat at a lower cost than cell therapy

Medical Equipment & Plastic Surgery
Medical Equipment & Plastic Surgery

equipment necessary for extracting and cultivating stem cells

Misko, Misju

stem cell cosmetics

Botulinum toxin, dermal filler

13 Revolutions of Medikan Culture (LISS™)

All in one system for stem cell culture
The equipment from Medikan is an All-in-One device that can perform multiple processes in a single unit.

Example 1 Stem-X: Separation of SVF from fat, reprocessing, washing, tissue homogenization, etc.

Example 2 Stem-XE: SVF separation, washing, SVF culture.

Example 3 Stem-XE mini: SVF separation, washing.

Example 4 SBP (under development): Cell culture, cell observation, medium replacement, medium circulation, cell dispersion, etc.

Class 0 culture
We culture in an environment with zero contamination using a completely sealed system. We have effectively prevented any contamination that may occur during the culture process.
Examples include S-kit™, Gigakit™, Top-cell™, etc.
"Passage 0" continuous culture
Continuous infinite culture is achievable through the non-passaging culture method.
Xeno-free culture
We culture exclusively using autologous components, employing our proprietary nano dispersion technology, without the use of heterologous substances such as FBS (fetal bovine serum).
Enzyme-free culture
We separate cells from various tissues and culture them using natural methods, without the use of chemical treatments such as enzymes.
Expandable scaffolds culture
This is a culture method in which the culture area is gradually expanded, and we possess the patent for this culture technique.
2.9D culture
We have developed a culture technique utilizing patented culture films, enabling a culture approach that moves beyond flat culture and achieves a 2.9D culture environment closer to three-dimensional conditions. This innovation allows for efficient culture even in limited areas.
Media recycling culture
By replenishing deficient components and removing unnecessary ones from the used culture medium, it becomes possible to recycle the medium. This innovative approach significantly reduces the cost of culture medium, which constitutes the highest expense in the culture process.
Adaptive micro-environment culture
We have established an environment in vitro under restricted conditions where cells can effectively proliferate. This culture system harnesses the characteristics of cells programmed to eliminate damaged cells (apoptosis). Cells that have undergone apoptosis due to external stimuli are recycled as nutrients to support other cells, creating a small ecosystem within the culture system.
Automatic pH optimization
By incorporating a pH monitoring system, it is possible to continuously monitor the pH of the culture medium without the use of phenol red indicator.
DNA preserving & transfecting culture
By introducing autologous DNA fragments into cells during the cell culture process, it is possible to prevent the aging of stem cells and apply this technique to treat genetic disorders that arise from genetic abnormalities.
Automatic media exchange
The automation of medium replacement in the culture process enhances user convenience and reduces the risk of contamination (under development).
Automatic exosome purification & concentration
Through the use of a culture medium circulation device (MyStem deluxe), it is possible to purify and concentrate exosomes within stem cell culture medium. The supernatant derived from autologous stem cell culture can be utilized for various applications, such as cosmetics.


서울시 강서구 허준로 217 502호(가양동, 가양테크노타운)
TEL : +82-2-2668-6070 FAX : +82-2-2668-6072 email :